Monday, January 25, 2010

"... is an invalid IP address" when editing a site binding in IIS

I was trying to change a binding in IIS 7 on a VPC to test something out and I wanted to make the url "http://intranet" point to my newly created web application on port 567.

To do this, I went to the web site in IIS, right clicked on it, selected "Edit Bindings...", selected the only entry there, clicked "Edit..." and filled in "http://intranet" in the "Host name" box. When I clicked on "OK", I got the message "'*:567' is an invalid IP address.". Turns out you can't fill in "http://" there, which makes sense cause it's already mentioned in the "Type" field, but I still think it's not a clear error message you get...

So long story short: just fill in the actual host name and not the "http" part.


Anonymous said...

Thank you soooo much for posting this small detail! You saved the day for me!!! I was frustrated with this exact problem.


Joe said...

thank you SOOOO Much as well. This was tremendously helpful.

Anonymous said...

That was extremely helpful!

Anonymous said...

This is a great post! Thanks! :)